Coconut Oil
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Coconut Oil",<br />"description":"Coconut oil is an amazing, multi-use superfood. Used widely as an ingredient for natural baking, keto supplements, skincare and haircare, its super versatile - you may need two jars, one for the kitchen and one for the bathroom!",</p>
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<p>Coconut is known as the “tree of life” in many tropical countries and it’s no wonder. Valued as a superfood and organic natural oil all over the planet, coconut oil is made by pressing dried or fresh coconut flesh to extract the oily goodness. Virgin coconut oil is made from the first pressing. All our natural coconut oil is cold pressed, meaning temperatures are kept below 49 °C during pressing.</p>
<p>Even though coconut oil is a saturated fat, it contains no cholesterol. The secret behind it lies in the unique composition of Medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs, including:</p>
<li>Lauric acid</li>
<li>Capric acid</li>
<li>Caprylic acid</li>
<p>MCTs are used as a supplement for low carb and keto diets. Our bodies can use MCTs efficiently as fuel for energy, rather than fat storage.</p>
<p>Nourish your body with coconut oil inside and out:</p>
<li>For a fresh mouth feel and healthy gums, use it for oil-pulling or a mouth rinse</li>
<li>For glowing skin, shiny hair, a moisturized scalp and to manage fly-aways</li>
<li>Great for active people to provide fuel for brain and muscles</li>
<li>Enjoy in smoothies, snacks, deserts or as a healthy cooking oil</li>
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