Plant-Based Oils
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Plant-Based Oils",<br />"description":"Looking for a vegan friendly omega-3? Plant based oils are a sustainable and planet friendly option. With a combination of essential omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, plant oils such as hemp, flaxseed and chia seed oil are a healthy addition to any diet.",</p>
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<p>Made from a variety of slow cooked vegetables with added nutrient-dense flavourings like miso, functional mushrooms, kelp, and nutritional yeast, one cup of powdered vegetable broth is equivalent to one serve of vegetables.If you are after a vegan oil, a plant-based oil makes a great alternative to fish or krill oils. There are a number of oils to choose from, including:</p>
<li>Hemp seed oil</li>
<li>Flax seed oil</li>
<li>Algae oil</li>
<li>Black seed oil</li>
<li>Pumpkin seed oil</li>
<li>Avocado oil</li>
<li>Chia seed oil</li>
<li>Olive oil</li>
<li>Rapeseed oil</li>
<p>Plant based oils are full of nutrients, especially essentially fatty acids that our body requires including omega 3 and 6. A popular and sustainable source, hemp seed oil contains an ideal ratio of omega 3 to 6 fatty acids, and can help to support healthy skin, hair and heart health.</p>
<p>Algae oil is another popular choice. A great source of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), fish actually get their omega content from the algae that they consume. This makes algae oil an ideal alternative to both fish and krill oils.</p>
<p>Using a plant-based oil is easy. Simply add to your favourite smoothie, use as a salad dressing or just take directly from the spoon for a dose of essential fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, E and D.</p>
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