Syrups & Sweetener Blends
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Syrups & Sweetener Blends",<br />"description":"Looking for sugar alternatives? Our natural Syrups and Sweetener Blends are free from refined sugar and super easy to use. Syrups are a sweet vegan alternative to honey. Sweetener Blends offer the best features of two natural sweeteners - for convenience and the perfect sweetness level.",</p>
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<p>"description":["<br />=====START=====</p>
<p>Sweetener syrups can be easily used like any other liquid sweetener - drizzle on waffles and pancakes or use to sweeten your hot drinks.</p>
<p>Apple syrup offers sweetness as well as delicious, natural apple flavour. Enhance your baking or drizzle on your morning cereal or porridge.</p>
<p>Molasses is the dark, nutrient rich syrup that’s left after sugar cane is refined. It has a rich, caramel flavour and is packed with minerals including Magnesium, Iron, Manganese and Calcium. Take it straight off the spoon or add to baking for caramel sweetness.</p>
<p>Rice syrup is versatile and mild tasting, it’s great when you need sweetness without additional flavour, try adding to <a href="">Cacao Drinks</a> or <a href="">Black Tea</a>.</p>
<p>Our Sweetener Blends are sugar free - you’ll find Stevia (<em>Stevia rebaudiana</em>) or Monk Fruit (<em>Siraitia grosvenorii</em>) blended into a base of Xylitol or Erythritol powder.</p>
<p>Stevia and Monk Fruit are around 250 times sweeter than standard table sugar, having them in a blend helps avoid over-sweetening your dishes. Blending also brings the sweetness level of Xylitol up to the same as table sugar for easy cup-for-cup substitution in baking.</p>
<p>Sweetener blends are super low GI, suitable for diabetics and people watching their carb intake. Following a keto diet? Check out our carb free <a href="">Keto Sweeteners.</a></p>
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