<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Nuts",<br />"description":"Packed with wholefood goodness, nuts are the perfect option to keep you fueled for the day ahead. Charge up with a delicious serving from our range of Nuts. Whether you enjoy them tossed in spices</p>
<p>- or just as they are, we have options to satisfy everyone.",</p>
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<p>Give your body the nutrient boost it needs with our collection of tasty nuts. From options like almonds or cashews - and even a keto-friendly nuts mix, we’ve got a variety of options to support your health goals.</p>
<h3>How can I use Nuts?</h3>
<p>The best thing about nuts is the incredible variety they offer when it comes to meal ideas. For extra crunch, top off any salad, stir-fry or soup of yours, with our wide range of Nuts. They’re also great as a filling snack for busy days and work well in baking - especially in our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/blog/lemon-raspberry-cheesecake/" target="_blank">Lemon Raspberry Cheesecake.</a></p>
<h3>Similar options</h3>
<p>Our growing range of <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/healthy-food-drink/nuts-seeds/">Nuts & Seeds</a> is perfect for anyone looking for multiple options all in one place. For delicious spreads that pair nicely with porridge or slathered on toast, see our range of <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/healthy-food-drink/nuts-seeds/nut-nut-butters/">Nut & Seed Butters</a>. For a nutritional boost to any baked good, explore our range of <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/healthy-food-drink/nuts-seeds/seeds/">Seeds</a>.</p>
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