<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Herbs & Spices",<br />"description":"Add flavour and zing to your food and drinks with a variety of herbs and spices. Our organic spices will not only excite your taste buds, but they’ll add a healthy edge to your food too.",</p>
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<p>The history of spices goes back thousands of years. Spices such as cinnamon and turmeric were traditionally used as seasonings for food and drink, as well as used for natural remedies and in incense and perfume.</p>
<p>Cinnamon is made from the inner bark of trees from the Cinnamomum family. Ceylon cinnamon, Cinnamomum verum (true cinnamon), is more fragrant and sweeter in taste, and said to be more potent than other cinnamon varieties.</p>
<p>We all love cinnamon for its sweet, warm flavour and scent. Its oil, high in polyphenols and cinnamaldehyde, accounts for cinnamon’s taste. Fatty meals seem to be more agreeable when adding cinnamon to the dish, and it’s a great way to also support healthy blood sugar levels. For an all-natural cleaning tip, mix cinnamon with some baking soda to naturally remove odour from carpets!</p>
<p>Turmeric with its earthy, warming flavour is made from the root of the plant Curcuma longa. Used in India since ancient times, it has a characteristic bright yellow-orange colour which often gives curries that beautiful golden hue. Traditionally used to season meat, it has gained increasing popularity for use in turmeric lattes as a great caffeine-free alternative to coffee.</p>
<p>For added taste and aroma, use organic spices in curries, soups, smoothies, porridge, cereal, or in coffee and tea.</p>
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