Nutritional Yeast
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Nutritional Yeast",<br />"description":"Nutritional yeast adds a punch of flavour to almost any food and is a great cheese substitute. Known as a rich source of B-vitamins and high in protein and fibre, nutritional yeast flakes add a delicious, nutty, cheesy flavour to your favourite savoury dishes.",</p>
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<p>Nutritional yeast is a type of inactivated yeast, grown from a yeast culture named Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It’s cultivated on sugarcane and beet molasses under controlled temperatures. The yeast goes through a natural fermentation process, and a nutritional yeast cream develops. This is pasteurized, making the yeast inactive, then dried and made into flakes. Nutritional yeast is naturally cultivated and a great alternative to yeast extract, a lab made extract used as a flavor enhancer.</p>
<p>There are two distinct types of nutritional yeast, unfortified and fortified versions, both available for you in our HealthPost range. Unfortified yeast contains naturally present vitamins and minerals, while the fortified version contains added micronutrients, including B-vitamins. The fortified variety is of particular value for boosting nutrient intake, especially if you enjoy a vegan or vegetarian diet.</p>
<p>With all its natural goodness, nutritional yeast adds additional savoury oomph to your dishes while supplying extra nutrients.</p>
<p>Enjoy nutritional yeast in lots of ways:</p>
<li>Sprinkle on foods, including salads, soups, tofu scramble, cereals, smoothies, vegetable juices and sauces</li>
<li>Use as a substitute for cheese on pizza or toast</li>
<li>Delicious on popcorn too</li>
<li>Add to your smoothie for a nutrient boost</li>
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