Smoothie Blends
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Smoothie Blends",<br />"description":"Are your smoothies in need of an extra superfood hit? Smoothie blends support optimal health and vitality by increasing the nutrition in your morning blend.",</p>
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<p>Natural Smoothie Blends offer densely packed superfood nutrition to support healthy vitality. Add a scoop of smoothie blend powder to fill any nutritional gaps and supercharge your favourite smoothie.</p>
<p>In your superfood smoothie blends, you’ll find ingredients such as:</p>
<li><a href="">Barley Grass</a></li>
<li><a href="">Protein Powder</a></li>
<li>Berry blends</li>
<li>Wheat grass</li>
<li>Blackcurrant… the list goes on and on…</li>
<p>Probiotics, fibre, antioxidants, and alkalising greens support the body’s own detoxification and cleansing processes.</p>
<p>Flavoured and sweetened naturally with plant sweeteners to enhance the flavour, there are no nasty artificial flavours or sweeteners in any of our natural smoothie blend products.</p>
<p>Often safe for the whole family (be sure to check the label), you can head off to work and school feeling confident that your family has had a nutritious start to the day. A great addition to any meal replacement shakes, you can power through work, school and play with energy and strength.</p>
<p>Add your favourite go-to fresh ingredients and you have a supercharged breakfast to jump start your day, and keep you feeling on top of your health game.</p>
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Wellness Blog