Wheat Grass
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Wheat Grass Powder Supplements",</p>
<p>"description":"If you’re on the hunt for an easy way to boost the leafy greens in your diet, you’ve found it. Wheat Grass powder is loaded with alkalizing nutrients, minerals and antioxidants, so it’s great for fussy eaters that shudder at the thought of green vegetables. Plus, Wheat Grass powder is also used to support heathy bowel function, detox pathways and healthy blood sugar levels.",</p>
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<p>"description":["<br />=====START=====</p>
<p>Wheat Grass powder is made from freshly sprouted Wheat leaves (Triticum aestivum). However, as wheatgrass comes from the nutritious green shoot of the Wheat plant rather than the grain, it doesn’t contain gluten, so it can be used by people who are intolerant to gluten and Wheat products.</p>
<p>Wheat Grass is useful to help maintain healthy alkalinity in the body. It supports healthy blood sugar by maintaining healthy insulin release from the pancreas, and Wheat Grass also contains apigenin, a protective antioxidant.</p>
<p>Wheat Grass is an excellent source of fibre, so it helps maintain regular bowel motions without any stimulating action and as it supports healthy probiotic bacteria in the large intestine it’s good for gut health too.</p>
<p>Wheat Grass is rich in the following:</p>
<li>Vitamin C</li>
<li>Vitamin A</li>
<li>Vitamin E</li>
<li>Amino acids</li>
<p>Adding Wheat Grass powder to your diet is easy. Simply blend it into your smoothies, mix it in with baking, or add it to your daily green shot. It can even be mixed into stews, soups, bolognaise or nacho mince. Wheat Grass is also available alone or combined with superfood green blends.</p>
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