Dandelion Coffee & Tea
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Dandelion Coffee & Tea",<br />"description":"Looking for healthy, caffeine-free alternatives to regular tea and coffee? Naturally made from the Taraxacum officinale plant, Dandelion coffee and Dandelion tea tick all the boxes. They’re full of healthy minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients to supply your body with natural goodness with every sip.",</p>
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<p>Interestingly, the name Dandelion originates from its French name ‘dent de lion’, which means lion’s tooth, and is a reference to the tooth-like serrations on the plant's leaves. But etymology aside, the humble Dandelion (<em>Taraxacum officinale</em>) has been used in Western Herbalism for centuries.</p>
<p>Dandelion is rich in minerals including potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorous, iron and zinc. The leaf is full of potassium, an important mineral. Dandelion root also contains inulin, a prebiotic fibre. As a supplement, Dandelion is used to support liver detoxification and healthy fluid levels.</p>
<p>But you might be surprised to know that it is also used to make delicious tea and coffee substitutes. Dandelion tea is made from the both the dried root and leaves, while Dandelion coffee is made from the dried root, which is often roasted to caramelise and enhance the flavour.</p>
<p>Dandelion coffee looks and tastes much like regular coffee. It offers an earthy taste, with slightly bitter notes just like coffee does, making it a great healthy alternative to regular coffee, but free from stimulating caffeine. It’s technically an infused tea and sometimes also called herbal coffee. Dandelion coffee is available in loose grounds, used in a similar way to plunger grind coffee or in granules like instant coffee.</p>
<p>Dandelion tea is available in loose leaf, dried root, or plastic-free tea bags for convenience. It’s easy to use – just like regular tea bags, simply infuse with hot water in a single cup or pot to share with friends and then enjoy.</p>
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