Functional Lattes & Brews
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Functional Lattes & Brews",<br />"description":"Adding healthy ingredients like functional mushrooms, tonic herbs, and delicious spices, means lattes and brews can be a fantastic addition to your daily self-care ritual. Looking for caffeine free alternatives to coffee and tea? Turn your hot drink into a supplement with our delicious functional latte powders.",</p>
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<p>Functional latte mixes are super convenient, whether you need to get going in the morning with a caffeine-free alternative to coffee or you’re looking to amp up your morning coffee.</p>
<p>You can make your own delicious turmeric latte with Ayurvedic spices or opt for a sleepy time brew to help you settle down for the night.</p>
<p>Our functional lattes and brews also have stunning 100% natural colours that add interest and visual appeal to your drinks:</p>
<li>Turmeric is antioxidant rich and offers a warm, golden yellow hue.</li>
<li>Beetroot powder gives extra antioxidants and a vibrant pink colour.</li>
<li>Blue Spirulina is rich in vitamins and magnesium and adds a fresh bluish green colour.</li>
<li>Butterfly Pea Flower is full of antioxidants and offers a pretty, natural blue tint.</li>
<p>Add interest and flavour to hot chocolate, smoothies or desserts, the possibilities are endless. Our range also includes dairy-free latte options made with coconut milk powder, vegan friendly and gluten-free options too, so whatever your dietary requirements, we’ve got you covered.</p>
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Wellness Blog