Red Bush Tea
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Red Bush Tea",<br />"description":"With its earthy, honey flavour and a rich red-brown colour, Red Bush tea is a fantastic caffeine-free alternative to regular black tea. Red Bush tea is well known for its antioxidant and mineral content, it can be enjoyed the same way as conventional black tea – with or without milk.",</p>
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<p>The flavour of Red bush tea has hints of nectar or honey with an earthy tannin finish. It’s great for people who choose to avoid caffeine but still like to enjoy a cup of tea, Red Bush tea is also free from oxalic acid so it’s suitable for people with kidney issues who can no longer drink conventional black tea. Check out our selection of <a href="">Herbal Teas</a>, and <a href="">Daily Wellness Tonics</a> for other caffeine-free hot drinks.</p>
<p>Known as Rooibos in its native South Africa, Red Bush tea comes from the leaves of the Aspalathus linearis shrub. The leaves of the Red Bush plant are actually green while they’re growing – the leaves turn brownish red when they’re bruised, which is where the name Red Bush comes from.</p>
<p>Red Bush tea is packed with healthy antioxidants and polyphenols, including:</p>
<p>Our organic Red Bush tea is available as loose-leaf tea or unbleached, plastic free teabags. Thanks to <a href="" target="_blank">Our Better Choices Promise</a> you can rest assured you’re making a better choice for your health and the health of our planet.</p>
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