Eco Living Gifts
<p>{<br /> "top_banner":{<br /> "title":"Eco Living Gifts",<br /> "description":"<span>Shop sustainably with eco-living gifts that are good for you, and the earth. From sustainable bathroom, kitchen and laundry swaps that are sophisticated in style, these eco-gift options are perfect for those leading a more conscious lifestyle.</span>",<br /> "image":"",<br /> "tablet_image":"",<br /> "mobile_image":"",<br /> "show_overlay":true,<br /> "show_button": true,<br /> "hide_section": false<br /> },<br /> "shop_now_section":{<br /> "hide_section": true,<br /> "items":[<br /> {<br /> "type":"",<br /> "image":"",<br /> "title":"",<br /> "description":"",<br /> "button":{<br /> "label":"SHOP NOW",<br /> "url":"",<br /> "new_window": false</p>
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<p>Taking care of our health is as important as taking care of the health of our planet. When it comes to shopping sustainable gifts, being more mindful in our choices can do wonders for our environment.</p>
<h3>Why Eco-Living Gifts?</h3>
<p>We back planet-friendly products that are kinder to our environment, and the people in it. And we want to make your gift shopping experience even easier with options that match the values of your loved ones. Whether they’re leading an eco-friendly lifestyle, or want to adopt more holistic habits, we’ve got a range of gift options.</p>
<p>When you shop sustainably, you give back to the earth – and your health too. Our range of Eco-Living Gifts have you spoiled for choice with thoughtful options that don’t cost the planet.</p>
<h3>Gifts that match your values</h3>
<p>Everyone has different tastes, and we get it. That’s why our Gift Guide makes for unique, yet easy solutions. Whether you’re short on time or know someone who has everything, our <a href="">Gift Packs</a> are another go-to option that takes the pressure out of finding the perfect gift. For those committed to their health, our <a href="">Healthy Gifts</a> range features delicious, good-for-you items that will be well loved and well used.</p>
<p>Feel inspired with incredibly easy sustainable swaps by checking out our <a href="" target="_blank">20+ Gifts To Feel Good About Giving.</a></p>
<p>=====END=====<br />"],<br />"bottom_title":"",<br />"bottom_description":""</p>
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