Reproductive Support
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Reproductive Support",<br />"description":"Are you thinking about having a baby, or are you wanting to support balanced reproductive hormones? Fertility supplements for both men and women can support the healthy reproductive function, as well as supporting healthy eggs and sperm to make a healthy baby.",</p>
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<p>Before getting pregnant, it is important to support your body with some key nutrients, such as folate and iodine for at least 3 months beforehand. Men can support the health of their sperm by joining in for those 3 months and working to create thriving sperm to do their best job.</p>
<h3>Fertility support</h3>
<p>During the 3-month preconception period both you and your partner can support your health by:</p>
<li>Consuming a nourishing wholefood diet, with lots of colourful vegetables and fruit.</li>
<li>Incorporating omega 3’s either through supplements or oily fish like salmon and sardines.</li>
<li>Getting outside and enjoying nature and a bit of healthy sunshine.</li>
<li>Moving your body, going for walks, or exercising to support nutrient-rich blood flow.</li>
<li>Learning to track your cycle so you know when you’re fertile.</li>
<li>Taking fertility support supplements.</li>
<p>If you are just wanting to support balanced hormones for now see <a href="" target="_blank">5 ways to support hormonal balance naturally</a> for some extra tips.</p>
<h3>Fertility supplements for women</h3>
<p>As mentioned earlier, women need to supplement with both folic acid and iodine in the 3 months leading up to conception. This is because it takes roughly 3 months for eggs to develop in the ovaries before they are selected for ovulation. If you have just found out you are pregnant, then don’t worry, just get onto it as soon as you can, and speak to your trusted health professional.</p>
<p>Most prenatal supplements for women will include most of the micronutrients needed to support a healthy pregnancy, you may also like to take an omega 3 supplement, magnesium, and consider iron support.</p>
<p>If you are needing support with your libido, then there are supplements for that too. As well as herbal extracts that can support hormonal balance for <a href="">Adrenal Health & Stress Support,</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Thyroid Support</a>, and <a href="">Blood Sugar Support.</a></p>
<h3>Fertility supplements for men</h3>
<p>Sperm also take a few months to mature, so for healthy sperm you can also support with a multi-vitamin to ensure all the basic nutrients are covered.</p>
<li>Sperm are very susceptible to oxidative damage, which means that antioxidants like vitamin C and selenium are very supportive of healthy sperm.</li>
<li>Zinc is a vital mineral for healthy sperm function and a healthy sperm count.</li>
<li>As well as supplements, remember to keep the testes cool as too much heat can also interfere with healthy sperm. That means no hot baths, spas, long bike rides, or laptops directly on the lap.</li>
<p>Supplements to support libido and sexual function may also be a part of your preconception health plan.</p>
<h3>The best support for healthy hormones</h3>
<p>We have a wide range of supplements and products to support <a href="">Stress & Hormones.</a> These come in many forms, including capsules, tablets, liquids, powders, and oral drops to suit your preference. See our extensive <a href="">Health Concerns</a> resources for helpful tips to support your health and wellbeing journey.</p>
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