Thyroid Support
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Thyroid Support",<br />"description":"<span class="TextRun SCXW180781933 BCX8" lang="EN-NZ" xml:lang="EN-NZ" data-contrast="auto"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW180781933 BCX8">The</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW180781933 BCX8"> thyroid gland influences all our body systems</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW180781933 BCX8"> – metabolic rate</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW180781933 BCX8">, cardiovascular health, brain function, digestive function, mood, and energy. No wonder, this little gland is also known as the 'master gland'. </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW180781933 BCX8">Support your thyroid to do what it does best with natural thyroid supplements.</span></span>",</p>
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<p>The little thyroid has so many responsibilities in the body, but most of the time we don’t give it a second thought. It’s interesting, especially as two of the key nutrients required for a healthy thyroid are deficient in NZ soils. In response to low iodine, NZ has been fortifying foods (salt) with iodine for many years. See our article <a href="" target="_blank">Ask our naturopath: what deficiencies should kiwis look out for.</a></p>
<h3>What is the thyroid gland?</h3>
<p>The thyroid gland is shaped like a butterfly and sits just below the adams apple in the neck. Thyroid hormones, named T3 and T4, regulate many body functions including metabolic rate, body temperature, growth and development and cellular health. Fluctuations of these hormones circulating in the body will slow or speed up these processes.</p>
<p>Our thyroid function is closely connected to healthy adrenal function. This means that anything affecting your adrenals will also impact on thyroid hormones. Both, long-term pressure, or troubled sleep, can interrupt production and functions of thyroid hormones. See our<a href=""> Adrenal Health & Stress Support </a>supplements to support your body’s response to stress.</p>
<p>Thyroid hormones are essential for a healthy pregnancy, if you are trying to conceive add in some <a href="">Reproductive Support.</a></p>
<h3>Supplements for thyroid health</h3>
<p>Specific nutrients found in thyroid supplements can be used to support healthy thyroid function and balance stress hormone levels. The ingredients commonly found in thyroid supplements in New Zealand include:</p>
<li>Iodine, vitamin A and B6, tyrosine and manganese, which are essential nutrients to support natural production of thyroid hormones. Kelp and sea vegetables are naturally high in iodine, other beneficial minerals, and vitamins for thyroid function.</li>
<li>The minerals zinc and selenium are important for conversion of T4 into active T3.</li>
<li>Ashwagandha, a herb known to support healthy thyroid and adrenal function is also helpful to provide natural thyroid support for balanced stress hormones.</li>
<li>The thyroids relationship to metabolism means that you may want to include some <a href="">Blood Sugar Support</a> too.</li>
<p>In addition to thyroid supplements, you can also naturally support your thyroid by managing stress, rest, and ensuring that you have a healthy diet.</p>
<h3>The best support for healthy hormones</h3>
<p>We have a wide range of supplements and products to support <a href="">Stress & Hormones.</a> These come in many forms, including capsules, tablets, liquids, powders, and oral drops to suit your preference. See our extensive <a href="">Health Concerns</a> resources for helpful tips to support your health and wellbeing journey.</p>
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