Baby's Sleep
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Baby Sleep Drops & Supplements",<br />"description":"A calm, settled baby makes for a calm, settled household. Our 100% natural infant sleep aid products with herbs, minerals and essential oils provide support to settle baby into calm and restful sleep, and you can feel confident knowing they’re formulated especially for babies’ sensitive systems with no hidden nasties.",</p>
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<p>Early in life, babies sleep phases are naturally shorter, making bub more susceptible to waking regularly. With time baby’s sleep phases naturally become longer and more settled. Lots of factors can lead to an unsettled sleep for baby, so baby sleep remedies are formulated to address many of these, including:</p>
<li>Increased alertness</li>
<li>An overstimulated nervous system</li>
<li>Soothing discomforts</li>
<li><a href="">Teething </a></li>
<li>Digestive upsets</li>
<li>Muscle tension</li>
<p>Our range of natural baby sleep aid products are carefully selected by our team of Natural Health Experts and contain 100% natural ingredients including:</p>
<li>Chamomile, Lemon balm and Lavender to calm the nervous system and support digestive discomfort - great for teething too</li>
<li>Blends of Herbs, Minerals and flower essences, which work to address muscular tension, soothing the nervous system and digestive system</li>
<li>Relaxing <a href="">essential oils</a> including Lavender, Sweet Orange, and Chamomile can be used in a diffuser</li>
<li>Eucalyptus essential oil in a diffuser is great for relaxed breathing too</li>
<li>Magnesium towelettes are easy to use and great for soothing restlessness and sore muscles</li>
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