Baby Oil & Skincare
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Baby Skin Care",<br />"description":"Delicate infant skin has a number of unique requirements, with many young babies suffering conditions such as dryness, infantile acne, and nappy rash. Combine this with their tiny size and immature elimination and immune systems, and it’s clear we need to have the best quality products available to cater to their needs.</p>
<p>HealthPost carries a wide range of natural products specifically designed to care for babies’ skin, including baby bath products, nappy balms, massage lotions and more.",</p>
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<p>With the average newborn today born with an average of 280 toxic compounds in their blood at birth, our infants are subjected to high chemical loads that their immature excretory systems are ill-equipped to deal with.</p>
<p>With babies being born ‘pre-polluted’ we need to do all we can to limit their exposure to environmental chemicals. As many cosmetics are a source of these, it is important to only use the safest, gentlest and <a href="" target="_blank">purest products</a> on our children’s skin.</p>
<p>A whole range of wonderful <a href="" target="_blank">baby skin care</a> is available - baby balms to support the health of the nappy area, moisturisers, baby wipes, teething powder, and natural bathing products including shampoo, soap and body washes.</p>
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