Kids Digestion & Probiotics
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Kids Probiotics & Digestion Supplements",<br />"description":"Busy lives aren’t just an adult ‘thing’. For children, their days are filled with school, homework, chores, and activities which can lead to eating habits that don’t support healthy digestion. Help is at hand with HealthPost’s carefully selected range of natural products to support children’s digestive system, supporting comfort, regularity, and nutrient absorption.",</p>
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<p>Kids can be challenged with digestive issues just like adults can. Our Good Ingredients Approved products make it easy to find the right supplement to support your child’s digestion and gut flora without having to worry about any hidden harmful ingredients.</p>
<p>Research shows strong associations between balanced gut flora and health, in particular kid’s mood and <a href="">kids growth and development</a>. Probiotic supplements with clinically researched strains support healthy bowel movements and digestion for kids. Babies and kids’ probiotics come as powders, drops or tablets and provide a high-quality dose of beneficial bacteria.</p>
<p>Digestive enzymes help break down food and have a soothing action when too much gas or bloating are an issue.</p>
<p>Tissue salts or herbal remedies are available in different forms to support the digestive process in both kids and babies. Herbs like chamomile, lemon balm, fennel, dill or ginger are effective digestive soothers, with chamomile and lemon balm also being calming and relaxing.</p>
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