Foot Care
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Foot Care",<br />"description":"Our 100% natural, carefully curated range of foot care products are a footstep in the right direction to healthy, hygienic, attractive feet and toes. The effective ingredients from nature are here to help with foot odour, tired feet, cracked heels, and support natural re-balancing of yeast overgrowth without any harmful chemical ingredients.",</p>
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<p>It’s not just athletes who need to take care of foot and toe health. Natural herbal extracts support the natural re-balancing of bacteria and yeast overgrowth on feet and toes, these include:</p>
<li>Tea tree</li>
<li>Native manuka</li>
<li>Native kanuka</li>
<li>Native horopito</li>
<p>These herbal extracts can also help with foot odour. Sweating can give rise to foot odour, our feet have more sweat glands per inch of skin than anywhere else on our bodies. </p>
<p>Our natural foot cream and foot balm products contain nourishing and moisturizing ingredients for dry, cracked heels:</p>
<li>Sweet almond</li>
<li>Shea butter</li>
<li>Coconut oil</li>
<li>Paw paw extract</li>
<p>These botanicals help with dry, scaly skin to make your heels look moisturized, smooth and cared for. These ingredients are also found in our natural <a href="">body lotion</a> and <a href="">body scrub</a> formulations.</p>
<p>Our feet absorb the impact of our full body weight with every step. Show your tired feet some love with in a foot massage cream or balm, with soothing and relaxing ingredients like:</p>
<p>Enjoy healthy, happy feet and feel confident knowing that all products we stock have been carefully selected for a better you and a better planet too - thanks to our <a href="">Better Choices Promise</a>.</p>
<p> </p>
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Wellness Blog