Natural Soap
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Soap & Hand Wash",<br />"description":"You may be surprised to learn the soap bars you can buy in your supermarket shouldn’t even be called real soap. In fact, most of them are little more than cheap synthetic detergents. You wouldn’t use laundry detergent to clean your skin in the shower, but this is what resembles most regular ‘soaps’.</p>
<p>Using a natural-based soap ensures you’re cleaning your skin with gentle, natural ingredients and also peace of mind about what’s being washed down the drain into the environment.",</p>
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<p>Real soap is created by the process of mixing fats and lye. This produces glycerin and natural soap. As a humectant, glycerin moisturises and softens your skin. Unfortunately, most manufacturers remove glycerin to use in other products, and then add in foaming agents, detergents and synthetic fragrances. Removing the glycerin means conventional ‘soap’ may cause your skin dryness and the artificial chemicals could irritate sensitive skin.</p>
<p>Plant and mineral based natural soaps are not tested on animals and work in beautiful harmony with your skin and the environment.</p>
<p>You may like to browse more of our natural beauty and <a href=""><span>personal care products</span></a></p>
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