Hair Dye
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Hair Dye & Hair Colour",</p>
<p>"description":"After using chemical hair dyes for a period of time, your hair may become a little dull and brittle. Not only is natural hair dye less damaging, but it also leaves your tresses vibrant with colour and bounce.</p>
<p>Choose our selection of natural hair dye colours to find one that suits you.",</p>
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<p>You may believe that natural means “less effective”, but while chemical hair dyes use harsh agents that can disrupt your hair’s pH balance, natural hair dyes are kinder and minimise moisture loss. By using Certified Organic Ingredients, you’ll be using a purer product that still provides effective colouring results.</p>
<p>The benefits of using a <a href="">natural hair care</a> solution are: no harmful ammonia either on your scalp or through inhalation, no staining of your skin and no burning or irritations - yet still gently colouring with permanent hues and covering any grey hair. You may like to spoil yourself with a <a href="">hair treatment</a> or a <a href="">natural conditioner</a> for maximum results.</p>
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