<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Henna Hair Dye",<br />"description":"Looking for a 100% natural hair dye to add vibrant colour plus nourish your hair at the same time? Henna hair colour is made from the finely powdered leaf of the Lawsonia inermis shrub - so it’s wholly plant-derived. With no toxic chemicals, it’s simultaneously gentle on your scalp and gentle on the environment after it washes down the drain.",</p>
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<p>Henna comes in a great variety of fantastic shades, from deep black to light copper. Its use as a natural colouring agent for hair dye and body art goes back centuries. Mixed with water to form a paste, it is then left to soak in, gentle heat can also help the process.</p>
<p>Henna is a great alternative to conventional hair colour because it’s made from 100% plant material. It has no nasties, so no worries about harsh chemicals like ammonia, peroxide, metallic salts or PPD (paraphenylenediamine). Henna acts in a much gentler way by coating the surface of the hair fibre and sinking in, producing a layer of colour and lustrous volume. Conventional hair colour works by lifting hair cuticles to allow the colour to get in, which can damage the hair shaft.</p>
<p>The beauty of Henna hair dye is its double action, it works as conditioner at the same time. It provides a protective coat, so the hair cuticles are smoothed by the sealing action. Our natural hair colours and <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-beauty-body/hair-care-colouring/hair-styling/">hair styling products</a> have no nasty chemicals, so they’re better for your body and better for the planet.</p>
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