Period Underwear
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Period Underwear",<br />"description":"Period Underwear are a recent addition to the sustainable and reusable options for managing your periods. Supremely comfortable period pants that don’t shift around when you wear them, these period panties come in a variety of styles and absorbencies.",</p>
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<p>Period Underwear are an innovative approach for your period. Not only are they more comfortable, but they are also more sustainable. Every month that you wear period pants, you are making an important contribution to environmental care.</p>
<h3>Sustainable and reusable menstrual products</h3>
<p>Why choose period underwear for your period?</p>
<li>Comfort and breathability, they don’t shift around as much as <a href="">Reusable Pads.</a></li>
<li>They are discrete, no one will know that you are wearing them.</li>
<li>Less disposable products going to landfill is more environmentally friendly.</li>
<li>Easy to clean, and work very well in conjunction with a <a href="">Menstrual Cup</a> for heavier days.</li>
<h3>Awwa period underwear</h3>
<p>We are proud to stock New Zealand’s very own Awwa menstrual underwear. They come in a range of styles, sizes, and absorbency levels. <a href="">The Eva Brief</a> can hold up to 2 regular tampons or pads worth of flow. Awwa’s reusable period care range now includes swimwear bottoms, to give you more options when swimming on your period.</p>
<p>Awwa products have been extensively tested, using highly absorbent materials that reduce odour and are comfortable to wear.</p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Want to learn more about eco-friendly periods? Naturopath Liz McNamara shares the what, how, and why.</a></p>
<p>At HealthPost we have you covered with our large range of <a href="">Natural Beauty and Body</a> products. Choosing natural products for your personal care is not only healthier for your body, it is healthier for the planet.</p>
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