Personal Lubricant
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Personal Lubricant",<br />"description":"You are spoilt for choice with our natural Personal Lubricants. These products have been formulated with gentle ingredients that support intimacy and the natural functioning of your most sensitive areas. Choose from our selection of water based and oil-based lubes for yourself, your toys, or partner.",</p>
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<p>Personal Lubricants are an important part of many couples’ intimate moments and can feel like a lifesaver for women who are experiencing vaginal dryness. Personal Lubricants can support pleasure during intimacy, and if using a condom, a water-based lube can reduce the risk of a condom breaking.</p>
<h3>Types of Personal Lubricants</h3>
<p>Personal lubricants are designed to mimic natural lubrication, in both texture and by supporting enjoyable sex. At HealthPost we stock both water and oil-based lubricants:</p>
<li>Water-based lubricants can be used with condoms and silicone toys.</li>
<li>Oil-based lubricants are longer lasting and can be used with silicone toys but are not recommended for latex condoms.</li>
<p>Several Personal Lubricants have also been formulated for the sole purpose of supporting the comfort of the vagina. Hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy, breastfeeding, perimenopause, and menopause can all have an impact on the body’s natural lubrication. A personal lube can provide comfort and support sensation and intimacy during these times.</p>
<h3>Why switch to a natural Personal Lubricant?</h3>
<p>Many commercial Personal Lubricants contain ingredients that can cause discomfort, as they are not usually designed with the vaginal mucosa and other sensitive areas in mind. Choosing a natural Personal Lubricant ensures that you are avoiding petrochemicals, chemical preservatives, and irritating fragrances that can disrupt the vaginal flora.</p>
<p>Are you looking for extra support for your vaginal health? Have a look at our <a href="">Feminine Washes</a> for products that have been carefully formulated to support the flora and pH balance of the vagina.</p>
<p>HealthPost have your <a href="">Intimate Care</a> covered with our large range of <a href="">Natural Beauty and Body</a> products. Choosing natural products for your personal care is not only healthier for your body, it’s healthier for the planet.</p>
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