Reusable Pads
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Reusable Sanitary Pads",<br />"description":"Reusable pads and liners are a popular option for those looking for a more eco-friendly option for managing their periods, post-partum bleeding, and for leaky bladders. Made from soft fibres and easy to clean, reusable cloth pads are a lot more comfortable than their disposable counterpart.",</p>
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<p>Reusable pads have been around for centuries in one form or another. Gone are the days when they were bulky, bunched up, or uncomfortable. Today’s reusable sanitary pads are made using highly absorbent odour limiting materials, with fastening clips to make sure they don’t move around.</p>
<h3>Sustainable and reusable sanitary products</h3>
<p>Making the switch to Reusable Pads can be a bit daunting, however you can be sure that we have selected the best pads and accessories to make your transition to sustainable products easy.</p>
<li>Reusable Pads can be used throughout your period on their own, or in conjunction with a <a href="">Menstrual Cup</a>.</li>
<li>A comfortable option for post-partum care and recovery.</li>
<li>Reusable pads are ideal for a leaky bladder, being both cost effective and comfy.</li>
<p>A fabric pad or liner is more breathable and suitable for daily wear.</p>
<h3>How to care for your Reusable Pads and liners</h3>
<p>Looking after your Reusable Pads is easier that you might think. After you have chosen a selection of pads based on your flow and length of period, it’s time to get a couple of other items ready.</p>
<li>A container with a lid (you can use an ice-cream container)</li>
<li>A wet-bag for on the go (optional)</li>
<li>A natural cleaning detergent or soap</li>
<p>During your period, simply wrap the wings of the pads around your underwear and fasten the snaps.</p>
<li>When you are ready, remove the pad and rinse under cold water until the water runs clear.</li>
<li>Pop them into your container or cleaning bucket with some water and detergent overnight.</li>
<li>Either handwash or add them to a regular machine wash.</li>
<li>Hang them out to dry in the sun if possible, and store once fully dry.</li>
<h3>Eco-friendly periods</h3>
<p>In recent years there has been a huge increase in innovative products for your period. These products are more sustainable and accessible - giving you more choice about what you use for your <a href="">Intimate Care.</a></p>
<p>If you are ready to step your period and menstrual care up a notch, then have a look at our reusable menstrual products. Choose from Reusable Pads, <a href="">Period Underwear, </a>and <a href="">Menstrual Cups.</a> Not quite ready to go reusable? Check our range of <a href="">Natural Pads & Tampons</a> for biodegradable, plastic free options. We explain: Eco-friendly periods. The what, how and why.</p>
<p>At HealthPost we have you covered with our large range of <a href="">Natural Beauty and Body</a> products. Choosing natural products for your personal care is not only healthier for your body, it’s healthier for the planet.</p>
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