Lip Liner
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Lip Liners & Lip Pencils",<br />"description":"Achieve beautifully defined, fuller-looking lips with our collection of Lip Liners. Choose from light shades that give a more natural appearance, to bright shades bursting in colour. Filled with nourishing ingredients that are gentle on your lips, this range is sure to become a beauty shelf staple.",</p>
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<p>Intended to fill uneven areas and accentuate the shape of your lips, Lip Liners – also known as lip pencils – work to complement your lips alongside your choice of Lipstick. Unlike most lipsticks, <a href="">Lip Liners</a> are designed for long-lasting wear, and can even double as a lipstick if you wish. Simply apply over your lips and leave as is, or top with your favourite <a href="">Lip Gloss</a> to give your lips a glossy lustre.</p>
<p>Lip Liners come in a handful of gorgeous shades, making it quite versatile and perfect for enhancing your overall makeup look. They’re sure to become a staple in your beauty bag, they make for an ultimate game changer to your makeup routine.</p>
<h3>Complement your look</h3>
<p>Pair your favourite Lip Liner with anything from our range of <a href="">Natural Makeup</a> – a collection of feel-good cosmetics that feel glorious on your skin. Formulated with gentle botanicals that result in sharp, defined eyes, our <a href="">Eyeliner </a>range features a number of vibrant and dramatic colours to suit any style. For that sun-kissed glow achieved in a matter of minutes, our selection of <a href="">Powders and Bronzer</a> have you covered.</p>
<p>Round out your makeup routine with our top list of beauty favourites to enjoy any time of the year – our <a href="" target="_blank">Holiday Skincare and Makeup Ritual</a> has something for all.</p>
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Wellness Blog