<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Mascara",<br />"description":"Enhance your eyes and define your lashes with natural mascara – with no hidden nasties. Gentle botanicals like Eyebright and Quince condition your lashes, keeping them looking luscious and healthy. Our Better Choices Promise means you can rest assured our natural mascaras have no harmful chemicals and no animal testing – ever.",</p>
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<p>Our natural mascaras are made without harmful ingredients such as the hormone disrupting parabens that are found in conventional mascaras. Instead, they are carefully formulated with natural, hypo-allergenic ingredients, making them suitable for even the most sensitive eyes.</p>
<p>Nourishing organic ingredients like Silk, Quince seed, Eyebright, Candelilla and Beeswax wrap every single lash to condition and protect, while natural halloysite clay helps to create strong, thick eyelashes – simply apply another layer for even more volume.</p>
<p>Mineral pigments provide a range of flattering shades from jet black and natural brown, to more attention-grabbing shades of blue and plum to make your natural eye colour pop.</p>
<p>Our natural mascara formulas are designed to thicken, lengthen, volumise and define your eyelashes with no clumping or flaking. Long-lasting mascara formulas also offer a smudge free look to take you from day to night.</p>
<p>With natural mascara, you can draw attention to your beautiful eyes and feel good knowing that you’re making a better choice for your health.</p>
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Wellness Blog