Eye Cream
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Eye Cream",<br />"description":"Everyone wants to look and feel their best and taking good care of your skin is a great start, particularly the delicate skin around your eyes. This is usually the first area to show the effects of wear and tear and it’s no wonder as facial muscles around our eyes provide all of our expressions. Laughing and squinting can contribute to fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes like crow’s feet. You may find that natural eye cream is a superb addition to your anti-aging skin care routine.",</p>
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<p>As the skin around your eyes is thinner and therefore more fragile, it can be prone to easily showing dark circles or puffiness. As we age, <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-health-supplements/specialty-supplements/collagen/">collagen</a> production decreases and our skin can lose its elasticity and plumpness. Providing your skin with a good amount of sleep, a nutritious diet and the right amount of sun, along with using <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-beauty-body/natural-skin-care/">natural skin care products</a> such as natural eye creams to hydrate and smooth, may be helpful in minimising signs of aging.</p>
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Wellness Blog