Face Scrub
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Face Scrubs & Exfoliators",</p>
<p>"description":"Quality natural skin care is a key to a healthy, glowing skin. Choose products which are free of chemicals and other nasties to ensure you are giving your skin the best care possible. Natural organic skin care can nourish your skin, protect it from external irritations and leave it soft, smooth and beautiful.",</p>
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<p>"description":["<br />=====START=====</p>
<p>Did you know that our skin is our body’s largest organ, and that some <strong>chemicals can be absorbed</strong> through it? An estimated 20% of personal care products contain at least one chemical that has been linked to cancer and many contain penetration enhancers that can make it even easier to absorb products through the skin. The <strong>long-term use</strong> of these products, containing ingredients including parabens, sodium lauryl or laureth sulfate, triclosan and more can potentially have very frightening effects.</p>
<p>These days, people are more aware of the impact of chemicals on their lives than ever before, with most people choosing nutrient-rich wholefoods for the majority of their diet, and many opting for natural cleaning products for their homes. Skincare ranges are no different, and the market has increased enormously in recent years with a number of natural skincare products, free from the toxic ingredients that many mainstream products are burdened with.</p>
<p>Eating a diet rich in nutritious foods, staying hydrated and using <strong>quality supplements and skincare</strong> products will go a long way to creating healthy, glowing skin, as will utilizing a <strong>good skincare routine</strong> of cleansing, toning and moisturizing daily, and using a quality <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-beauty-body/sun-care/">sunscreens</a> when out in the sun.</p>
<p>Quality <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-beauty-body/natural-makeup/makeup-remover/">makeup remover</a> is important for ridding the skin of any residue cosmetics, and including moisturisers for the face, hands and body will ensure the entire body is kept glowing and healthy at all times.</p>
<p>We carefully selected a collection of numerous cleaners for all types of skin, from light foaming cleansers to gels, masks, toners and more. There are moisturisers for all skin types, and specialized products including anti-aging skin care, firming, night and day creams, eye products, facial oils, serums and more.</p>
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Wellness Blog