Oral Care
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Oral Care",<br />"description":"Look after your teeth, gums and the planet too. From sustainable bamboo toothbrushes to eco-friendly floss and toothpaste, our range of natural Oral Care products will help keep you smiling and feeling your best.",</p>
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<p>Keep your pearly whites in check with options that put your best smile forward. Good dental health starts with building a regular routine around brushing, flossing and trips to the dentist. Depending on what’s needed, you may only need to get a checkup once or twice per year.</p>
<h3>Why is Oral Care so important?</h3>
<p>Good oral hygiene such as daily flossing and teeth brushing helps keep bacteria under control and supports healthy tooth enamel and gum health. Be sure to consult your dentist for best practices when it comes to oral care.</p>
<h3>For everyday hygiene</h3>
<p>Pamper yourself with our growing range of <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-beauty-body/">Natural Beauty & Body </a>– wonderful for elevating your personal care routine. Take care of your teeth with our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-beauty-body/oral-care/natural-toothbrushes/">Natural Toothbrushes</a> – made from bamboo and biodegradable materials that come in a range of colours and sizes for the whole family to use. Packed with natural ingredients like peppermint and eucalyptus oil for minty fresh breath, and xylitol to help prevent plaque build-up, our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-beauty-body/oral-care/natural-toothpaste/">Natural Toothpaste</a> is well-loved for being fluoride and SLS free.</p>
<p>When it comes to our little ones, understanding best practices around healthy teeth and gums is essential for their growth and wellbeing. We go into this more deeply with a<a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/blog/naturopath-explains-building-healthy-kids/"> Naturopath Explains: Building Healthy Kids.</a></p>
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Wellness Blog