Natural Dental Floss
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Dental Floss",<br />"description":"Support good oral hygiene with our natural range of dental floss. From dental floss picks to silk floss, choose from a range of biodegradable options for a happy, healthy mouth.",</p>
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<p>}<br />}<br />]<br />},<br />"learn_more_description":{<br />"hide_section":false,<br />"title":"Why should I use dental floss?",<br />"description":["<br />=====START=====</p>
<p>As most of us know, dentists recommend daily flossing as part of our everyday oral care routine. On top of brushing our teeth, flossing can be helpful for:</p>
<li>Supporting gum health</li>
<li>Minty, fresh breath</li>
<li>Removing food build-up between teeth</li>
<li>Removing plaque</li>
<li>Reducing the risk of gingivitis</li>
<h4>What about dental floss sticks?</h4>
<p>Otherwise known as ‘picks’, dental floss sticks are fantastic when you’re on the go and in need of an easy option that does the job. Our range of dental floss picks is an eco-friendly alternative to your traditional nylon, wax-coated floss.</p>
<h4>For a happy smile</h4>
<p>With eating comes the importance of maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine that takes care of your mouth. Our <a href="">Oral Care</a> has your morning and night tooth care ritual covered. For a fresh breath, our <a href="">Natural Mouthwash</a> is wonderful for refreshing your mouth using naturally derived ingredients that are gentle for even the most sensitive mouth. Our <a href="">Natural Toothpaste</a> and <a href="">Natural Toothbrushes</a> feature several sustainable options your mouth, and our planet, are sure to love.</p>
<p>When it comes to our little ones, it’s important their growing teeth are well looked after. From healthy teeth and gums to bone and brain health, understand how you can best support their growth by reading our <a href="" target="_blank">Naturopath Explains: Building Healthy Kids.</a></p>
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Wellness Blog