Ear Wax Removal
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Ear Wax Removal",<br />"description":"Ear candling is a traditional Native American practice which has gained popularity worldwide. The experience is relaxing and may be a pleasant addition to your self-care practice. The ear candle itself is a tube made from cotton and beeswax, and when burned they give off a pleasant honey-like aroma.",</p>
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<p>Ear wax, or cerumen lubricates and naturally protects the ear canal from dirt. It naturally moves towards the opening to where it can be washed away. For optimal function, it’s important to keep the ear canal clear and free of excess wax.</p>
<p>Ear candles have been traditionally used to help support the body’s natural process of healthy ear wax removal. The use of ear candles dates back centuries was often used as part of ceremonies and rituals.</p>
<p>When using ear candles it’s important to make sure you follow the instructions on the product label. For safety reasons, you will need a friend to help with the ear candling process. To perform ear candling you’ll need to be lying comfortably on your side, and have someone gently insert the candle into your ear without using any force. The candle must always be extinguished before it has burned down to the last quarter.</p>
<p>It’s best to check with your health professional to make sure that ear candling is suitable for your individual needs. Ear candling is not recommended if you have any pre-existing health condition that affects your ears.</p>
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