Natural Insect Repellent
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Insect & Mosquito Repellent",<br />"description":"Want to be protected from itchy bites without the use of synthetic, chemical based insect repellents? Whether it’s an outdoor evening BBQ or a tropical holiday, we have you covered with natural and effective plant-based insect repellents. Free from harmful chemicals, they’re skin friendly and environmentally friendly too.",</p>
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<p><span lang="EN-AU">The natural insect repellents in our <a href="">personal care</a> range contain no harmful chemicals like DEET, picaridin or artificial preservatives. Nature has provided us with an array of plant essential oils with bug and mosquito repellent properties. They work to repel as well as disguise the scents that attract bugs to us, including carbon dioxide and lactic acid. They keep bugs at bay by making it difficult for them to locate us as targets. </span></p>
<p><span lang="EN-AU">The essential oil ingredients that work to repel insects include:</span></p>
<li>Tea tree</li>
<p><span lang="EN-AU">The itching that follows a bug bite is caused by special chemicals found in the bugs saliva, produced to help delay the natural process of blood clotting in the host. Our natural insect repellent formulas contain ingredients to soothe the discomfort of itchy bites, these include: </span></p>
<li>Vitamin E</li>
<li>Coconut oil</li>
<li>Lavender essential oil</li>
<li>Geranium essential oil</li>
<p>Our natural alternatives to harmful, chemical insect repellents are effective yet gentle on skin, are safe for you, your children and for the environment.</p>
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