Argan Oil
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Argan Oil",<br />"description":"Argan Oil is a beauty oil superstar. It's prized for its the nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals it contains and has great benefits for hair, skin and nails. Look at our range of cold-pressed products utilizing this precious oil, such as BioBalance Certified Organic Argan Oil.",</p>
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<p>Argan Oil has come a long way in the last few years. No longer a little-known North African health and beauty staple; Argan Oil has gone mainstream and taken the world by storm. Pressed from the fruit of the Argania spinosa tree, an ancient and endangered tree native to Morocco, the nourishing oil has been a favourite of North African women for millennia</p>
<p>The global demand for the oil is also having a positive impact on its homeland, with environmental reforestation programmes in place to help bolster the tree’s populations whilst aiding the local Berber women to support their communities.</p>
<h3>Argan Oil Benefits</h3>
<p>The cold-pressed oil has numerous uses, ranging from a nourishing <a href="">hair treatment</a> to a gentle support for healthy skin, as well as being a traditional oil in the Moroccan diet.</p>
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