Magnesium Oil & Cream
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Magnesium Oil & Cream",<br />"description":"Magnesium is a very important mineral in our body, involved in hundreds of biochemical functions. These include heart and muscle function, digestive health, nerve and stress support, detoxification and more. Transdermal magnesium includes various creams and oils for easy absorption via the skin.",</p>
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<p>Whilst our food was once a rich source of <a href="">magnesium</a>, processing depletes the levels of many vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, and intensive agriculture has meant soils can also be low in this essential mineral. This can in turn create a situation where many people are not consuming much magnesium in their diets, and explains why some people may be low in this important nutrient.</p>
<p>Magnesium is available in a range of forms, from powders, capsules and liposomal forms – such as <a href="">BioBalance Liposomal Magnesium</a> – to transdermal products including various magnesium creams, oils, sprays and bath flakes for easy absorption via the skin.</p>
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