After Sun
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"After Sun Spray & Gel",<br />"description":"A little too much fun in the sun? Take care of your skin with our natural range of after sun skin care products. No nasty chemicals and no animal testing either. Just clean products to help nourish and repair.",</p>
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<p>Sometimes our skin needs a little extra soothing, especially after time spent in the sun. Our range of after sun skin care products are packed with gentle, nourishing and natural ingredients such as aloe vera, shea butter and coconut oil, to help rehydrate and moisturise the skin. Natural plants such as calendula, lavender and antioxidants such vitamin E also help to calm hot and irritated skin too.</p>
<p>Thanks to our <a href="">Better Choices Promise</a>, all of our after sun products contain no nasty chemicals, no environmental pollutants and are never tested on animals either. So, whether you’re looking to soothe sun-stressed skin or hold onto your tan as long as possible, our range of after sun skin care can help to repair and nourish skin naturally.</p>
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Wellness Blog