Green Coffee Bean
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Green Coffee Bean",<br />"description":"Green Coffee Bean Extract, including Svetol, may support weight management through supporting healthy blood glucose levels and encouraging the body to burn stored fat. Chlorogenic acid, the active ingredient in Green Coffee Bean Extract, supports stable blood sugar.",</p>
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<p>Green Coffee Bean Extract supports weight and body fat management through supporting healthy blood glucose levels and encouraging the body to burn stored fat. Chlorogenic acid, the active ingredient in Green Coffee Bean Extract, supports stable blood sugar. The body then looks for an alternative source of energy and releases and converts stored fat into energy. Stable blood sugar levels also support healthy appetite and can help manage food cravings.</p>
<p>Svetol decaffeinated green coffee bean extract is supported by extensive high quality clinical trials. Svetol is harvested from the premium coffee growing region in East Africa and is high in the natural active ingredient of chlorogenic acid. Svetol is scientifically researched to support the management of body fat and healthy glucose levels, to support metabolism and calorie-burning, and to support optimal BMI.</p>
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Wellness Blog