Collagen for Skin
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Collagen for Skin",<br />"description":"<a href="">Collagen </a><span>supplements have been shown in studies to help slow the visible ageing process by stimulating collagen production in skin cells and thereby improving skin elasticity. Taking collagen capsules may improve the tone and suppleness of your skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and help you look your natural best.</span>",</p>
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<p>Human skin contains collagen, however the amount of collagen present naturally declines as we age. This decline in collagen is partly responsible for the ageing in appearance of our skin over time, including the development of lines and wrinkles and 'sagging'.</p>
<p>Marine collagen extract is a totally natural product extracted from the scales or skin of fish. New Zealand (NZ) marine collagen is sourced from fish caught according to a strict quota management system in the pure, unpolluted waters surrounding Nuclear-Free NZ. Marine collagen supplements have been shown in studies to help slow this visible ageing process by stimulating collagen production in skin cells and thereby improving skin elasticity. Taking collagen capsules may improve the tone and suppleness of your skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and help you look your natural best.</p>
<p>Depending on the source of the collagen, benefits include:</p>
<li>Supports overall skin health and a youthful complexion</li>
<li>Supports healthy hair growth</li>
<li>Assists the body's natural ability to build and repair strong cartilage, tendons, ligaments and bones.</li>
<li>Supports strong and healthy nails</li>
<li>Supports gut health</li>
<li>Support healthy joints</li>
<p><strong>Collagen Side Effects</strong><br />An allergic reaction may occur in some individuals depending on the source of the collagen.</p>
<p>Some collagen supplements may leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth following consumption.</p>
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