<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Viralex",<br />"description":"Viralex is a range formulated by Good Health specifically for supporting ills and chills in both adults and children. The range includes a cough syrup, throat lozenges, herbal capsules, immune chews for the kids, and a warming immune drink.",</p>
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<p>Good Health Viralex is a collection of supplements, that have been formulated to support the immune system against unwanted invaders. Viralex is designed to assist the body's natural immune defences and facilitate a robust immune response.</p>
<p>Key botanical ingredients across the range are Olive Leaf Extract, Pelargonium, Wild Cherry, NZ Blackcurrants, Astragalus, and <a href="">Elderberry</a>. Nutrients include <a href="">Vitamin C</a>, <a href="">Vitamin D</a> and <a href="">Zinc</a>. Last but not least, all of Viralex on the spot products contain Epicor - which is a well-researched postbiotic that supports a robust immune response.</p>
<p>Good Health Viralex is a long-standing favourite of HealthPost staff and customers alike due to its winning combination of value and supportiveness. We recommend it as a family wellness essential.</p>
<h3>Preparing for winters ills and chills</h3>
<p>During the cooler months when we spend more time indoors, there is more of a chance of encountering ills and chills, which can result in time away from school or work. Luckily, there are supplements that can support the immune health of your whole family.</p>
<p><a href="">Viralex – Everyday Immune Support</a> and <a href="">Viralex Kids Immune Chews</a> are a suitable daily support during winter.</p>
<h3>On the spot support for ills and chills</h3>
<p>When you need some targeted support for you and your family, a supplement from the Viralex range has you covered.</p>
<li><a href="">Viralex Attack</a> at the first sign of a throat tickle, or sniffle.</li>
<li><a href="">Viralex Soothe EpiCor Throat Lozenge</a> for targeted support to the upper airways and throat.</li>
<li><a href="">Viralex Breathe EpiCor Chest Syrup</a> to calm the airways and shift stubborn mucus. The Wild Cherry also supports a restful night’s sleep.</li>
<li><a href="">Viralex Revive</a> is a comforting immune supportive drink, to add a little sunshine to your day.</li>
<h3>Supporting your immune system</h3>
<p>There are many ways that we can support our immune health. Nutrition, <a href="">adequate sleep</a>, <a href="">managing stress</a> and <a href="">Immune Health Supplements</a>. From herbs and super nutrition, to vitamins and minerals, there are supplements to support you and your family. Read some of our other great and <a href="" target="_blank">Helpful Tips for Good Immune Health.</a></p>
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