<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Selenium",<br />"description":"Selenium is an essential trace mineral that is deficient in many New Zealand and Australian farm soils, so the food we grow can lack this necessary element. Selenium slows signs of aging due to oxidative processes and helps maintain tissue elasticity and resilience.",</p>
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<p>Selenium is an essential trace mineral that is deficient in many New Zealand and Australian farm soils, so the food we grow can lack this necessary element. Although found in every cell of our body, selenium is only needed in small amounts. It is a powerful antioxidant preventing damage to intracellular structures, particularly in combination with vitamin E. It is important for optimising immune and thyroid function and supports the liver, counteracting the toxic effect of heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and arsenic. There is evidence that selenium may help to detoxify some metals and other toxins, and has very effective anti-cancer properties.</p>
<h3>Selenium Benefits</h3>
<p>Selenium may slow signs of aging due to the oxidative processes and help maintain tissue elasticity and resilience. Adequate intake of this essential mineral may even help to protect against serious disease.</p>
<p>Selenium is an essential nutrient in healthy heart function and can help prevent plaquing. It also has an important role in maintaining a healthy sperm count in males. Foetal development, nerve function, visual health, thyroid hormone conversion and coenzyme Q10 production all depend on selenium. Maintaining adequate levels may reduce susceptibility to infections and enhance your immune response.</p>
<h3>Selenium Side Effects and Contraindications</h3>
<p>Taking high doses over a long period can cause toxicity and increased risk of diabetes.</p>
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Wellness Blog