<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Silica Supplements & Tablets",</p>
<p>"description":"Silica is one of the vital trace minerals required by your body. It is an important component for cell structure in all body tissues. Having low levels of silica in the body could inhibit the absorption of calcium and magnesium in your body, which could affect bone health. Adding Silica natural supplements to your diet may assist the body in many ways.",</p>
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<p>Silica is derived from several food sources such as dark leafy vegetables, strawberries, avocados and also wheat, rice and oats. Silica is also known as the beauty mineral and could give your <a href="">hair, skin and nails</a> an advantage. Silica helps by stimulating the production of collagen and connective tissues that not only strengthen bone, but may also improve the condition of your hair, nails and skin.</p>
<p>Seeking advice from your health professional may be a good idea to see if a silica supplement could work for you.</p>
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