<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Zinc Supplements & Tablets",<br />"description":"Zinc is an essential mineral that we need to obtain from our diet. Zinc supports a healthy immune response, skin healing, reproductive health, as well as kids' growth among many other things. Discover our range of Zinc supplements in convenient forms, from Zinc tablets to Zinc gummies and Zinc drops.",</p>
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<p>Zinc is an essential mineral and one of the most abundant trace elements in the body, second only to iron. Much of our zinc is found in the bones and muscles, and relatively high amounts are stored in the prostate gland and retina of the eye. Our senses of vision, taste and smell are enhanced by zinc and multiple body systems rely on it. You need extra zinc while pregnant and breastfeeding, and it’s involved in synthesising RNA and DNA.</p>
<p>Metabolic processes involving hundreds of different enzymes need zinc to function, as do hormones including insulin, thyroid and growth hormones and the sex hormones. Our immune, cardiovascular, digestive, musculoskeletal, sexual and sensory systems all rely on zinc as a vital element for healthy functioning, and it has important roles in growth, wound healing, and skin health. Stress quickly depletes our zinc reserves.</p>
<h3>Zinc Benefits</h3>
<p>Zinc may be helpful in the treatment of acne and other skin disorders, burns, wounds and post-surgical healing, poor immunity, fatigue, stress, PMT, loss of taste and smell, hair loss, poor appetite, retarded growth, diarrhoea, weight loss, anorexia, chemical sensitivity, alcoholism, inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes. As we age, optimal zinc intake may improve our cognitive ability and help prevent dementia, and, together with antioxidants, help prevent arteriosclerosis.</p>
<p>Zinc is a proven treatment in cases of male infertility, low sperm count and prostate enlargement. It may be beneficial for delayed sexual maturity, low testosterone and low libido.</p>
<h3>Zinc Side Effects and Contraindications</h3>
<p>High doses can gastrointestinal problems, headache and drowsiness. High doses may be immunosuppressive Zinc is a copper antagonist and long term high doses can lead to copper deficiency.</p>
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