Deer Velvet
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Deer Velvet Supplements & Capsules",<br />"description":"Deer Velvet is the velvety new growth of soft bone and cartilage that develops into the antlers of male deer. Deer Velvet is taken as a supplement to support strength, stamina, and endurance, mental clarity, and as immune support.",</p>
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<p>Deer Velvet is the velvety new growth of soft bone and cartilage that develops into the antlers of male deer. Deer Velvet has been highly valued as a tonic in China for over 2000 years. Deer antlers are the only type of bone in any mammal that is naturally shed, to fully regenerate every year. The annual Deer Velvet harvest is performed by certified procedure and is not considered harmful to farmed deer.</p>
<p>During the stage of rapid growth before it calcifies into solid antlers, deer velvet contains concentrated growth factors, <a href="">Amino Acids</a>, <a href="">minerals</a>, <a href="">vitamins</a>, essential fatty acids, hormones, and other nutrients. Harvested Deer Velvet is dried and powdered for supplement manufacture.</p>
<p>In China , Deer Velvet is used as a tonic to support blood nourishment, support healthy bones, support the vitality of growing children, overall health and wellbeing, and support healthy sexual desire and function in both men and women.</p>
<h3>The benefits of a Deer Velvet Supplement</h3>
<p>Deer Velvet can support strength, stamina, and endurance, as well as mental clarity, and a healthy immune response. Deer Velvet can be taken alongside a Functional Mushrooms to support immune health and endurance.</p>
<p>Deer Velvet supports the body’s natural recovery process to injuries and supports the mobility and flexibility of joints. Deer Velvet can support healthy blood flow.</p>
<h3>Deer Velvet Side Effects and Contraindications</h3>
<p>Not suitable for people with hormone sensitive conditions. Deer Velvet supplements are a part of the <a href="">Specialty Supplements</a> range here at HealthPost</p>
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