<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Propolis",<br />"description":"Propolis is a compound made by bees. They collect resin from the buds of plants and mix it with enzymes to form a sticky substance high in antioxidants. With its high levels of amino acids, minerals, vitamins and flavonoids and its topical anti-bacterial properties, propolis supports the body's own immune defences.",</p>
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<p>Propolis is a compound made by bees. They collect resin from the buds of plants and mix it with enzymes to form a sticky substance high in antioxidants. Bees use propolis to repair and strengthen their hive and protect it from disease and parasitic invasion.</p>
<p>Propolis was one of the earliest bee products used by people as a supplement. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all used propolis with historical documents from the 4th century revealing that Hippocrates recommended propolis.</p>
<h3>The Benefits of Propolis</h3>
<p>With its high levels of <a href="">Amino acids</a>, <a href="">minerals</a>, <a href="">vitamins </a>and flavonoids and its topical anti-bacterial properties, Propolis is a helpful support for the body's own immune defences.</p>
<li>Propolis is a topical antibacterial that can be used topically to support healthy skin healing.</li>
<li>Propolis strengthens the walls of a beehive and Propolis is thought to support the strength of mucous membranes.</li>
<li>Propolis supports upper respiratory tract health.</li>
<li>Propolis can support the normal detoxification of environmental toxins</li>
<li>Rich in natural bioflavonoids, Propolis is great partnered with <a href="">Vitamin C</a>.</li>
<li>Studies show propolis can support the body’s natural healing process for lips. <a href="">Lysine </a>is also another very supportive supplement for lip immune health.</li>
<p>Propolis supplements are a part of the <a href="">Specialty Supplements</a> range here at HealthPost.</p>
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