Vitamin B1
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Vitamin B1 Supplements & Tablets",<br />"description":"Vitamin B1 is another water soluble vitamin from the B complex group. Called thiamine, it is essential for the growth, development and healthy function of all cells and tissues, in particular your peripheral nervous system and cardiovascular system.",</p>
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<p>Vitamin B1 is another water soluble vitamin from the B complex group. Called thiamine, it is essential for the growth, development and healthy function of all cells and tissues, in particular your peripheral nervous system and cardiovascular system.</p>
<h3>Vitamin B1 Benefits</h3>
<p>Beriberi is the disease of thiamine deficiency. It damages peripheral nerves and cardiovascualar function and is potentially fatal if left untreated.</p>
<p>Thiamine deficiency is a symptom of poor nutrition, either from a dietary imbalance or from chronic disease such as alcoholism, GI tract diseases, HIV/AIDS or bulimia. Over consumption of tea and coffee can also deplete the body’s vitamin B1 levels.</p>
<p>Vitamin B1 deficiency affects every cell in the body, and consequently all organ systems. Fatigue, weight loss, irritability and mental confusion are early signs of deficiency. People with diabetes may be thiamine deficient, contributing to the neurodegenerative complications associated with this disease.</p>
<p>Brain damage can occur in extreme cases. Wernicke’s encephalopathy and Korsakoff psychosis are two diseases of severe thiamine deficiency most commonly found in developed societies and usually associated with alcoholism.</p>
<h3>Vitamin B1 Side Effects and Contraindications</h3>
<p>Vitamin B1 (thiamine) should always be taken in conjunction with a B complex supplement, as all the B group vitamins need to be present in the correct ratio for optimal effect.</p>
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