
Free from all meat products and any meat derivatives, but may include eggs, dairy and other animal-sourced foods.

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Vegetarian friendly products are those that are free from meat products and any meat derivatives. However they may include eggs, dairy and other animal sourced foods.

People choose a vegetarian lifestyle often for ethical reasons – they disagree with the way that animals are farmed or slaughtered. Or they may have an issue with the palm kernel feed given to cows through winter to bump up their nutritional intake.

People consuming a vegetarian diet will often still consume eggs and dairy, whereas people following a vegan lifestyle will avoid these completely.


Vegetarian friendly products are those that are free from meat products and any meat derivatives. However they may include eggs, dairy and other animal sourced foods.

People choose a vegetarian lifestyle often for ethical reasons – they disagree with the way that animals are farmed or slaughtered. Or they may have an issue with the palm kernel feed given to cows through winter to bump up their nutritional intake.

People consuming a vegetarian diet will often still consume eggs and dairy, whereas people following a vegan lifestyle will avoid these completely.

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