Artificial Sweetener Free

Free from sugar-substitutes that are known as artificial sweeteners, however may still contain sugar alcohols.

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Products free of Artificial Sweeteners do not contain non-nutritive sweeteners as sugar substitutes. If sweetened at all, they are usually sweetened with sugar, concentrated fruit juices or honey. Products free from sugar may sill contain sugar alcohols (such as xylitol and sorbitol) that have less of an impact on blood glucose levels and provide fewer calories.

While sugar has come under major fire from many in recent times because of the benefits of a sugar-free lifestyle, such as weight management, there is one benefit particularly in relation to the distribution of the nutrients contained in herbal preparations. Sugar remarkably acts as a carrier to take these nutrients to the cells.

Some people consider honey a healthier sweetener when compared with sugar, but it is metabolized or broken down, utilised and excreted in the same way as cane sugar is in the body. Superior quality honey however contains many minerals and prebiotics, but as with sugar, should be kept to World Health Organisation guidelines of less than 12 teaspoons of added sugar per day for adults, and less than 6 teaspoons of added sugar for children.

Artificial Sweeteners are free of calories hence the reason for their surge in popularity since the 1950’s. While this could be seen as beneficial there is conflicting information about their safety.

Artificial sweeteners can be classified into two main groups – 1st generation and 2nd generation.

First generation sweeteners are probably the most commonly heard of - Saccharin, Aspartame and Cyclamate. HealthPost does not stock any of these First Generation artificial sweeteners.

See our position statement on Artificial sweeteners here.

Artificial Sweetener Free

Products free of Artificial Sweeteners do not contain non-nutritive sweeteners as sugar substitutes. If sweetened at all, they are usually sweetened with sugar, concentrated fruit juices or honey. Products free from sugar may sill contain sugar alcohols (such as xylitol and sorbitol) that have less of an impact on blood glucose levels and provide fewer calories.

While sugar has come under major fire from many in recent times because of the benefits of a sugar-free lifestyle, such as weight management, there is one benefit particularly in relation to the distribution of the nutrients contained in herbal preparations. Sugar remarkably acts as a carrier to take these nutrients to the cells.

Some people consider honey a healthier sweetener when compared with sugar, but it is metabolized or broken down, utilised and excreted in the same way as cane sugar is in the body. Superior quality honey however contains many minerals and prebiotics, but as with sugar, should be kept to World Health Organisation guidelines of less than 12 teaspoons of added sugar per day for adults, and less than 6 teaspoons of added sugar for children.

Artificial Sweeteners are free of calories hence the reason for their surge in popularity since the 1950’s. While this could be seen as beneficial there is conflicting information about their safety.

Artificial sweeteners can be classified into two main groups – 1st generation and 2nd generation.

First generation sweeteners are probably the most commonly heard of - Saccharin, Aspartame and Cyclamate. HealthPost does not stock any of these First Generation artificial sweeteners.

See our position statement on Artificial sweeteners here.

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