Naturo Pharm Aconite Plus has enhanced calming and settling properties and assists the body’s response to temperature imbalances.
You can read more about homoeopathy here
- Reduce frequency if symptoms improve and stop use if symptoms are alleviated.
- Equally, if symptoms persist or worsen, stop taking the remedy immediately and consult your healthcare professional.
Acute: Use 2 sprays per dose orally at 15-minute intervals for up to 6 doses (if required) then 3 times a day as required.
Chronic: Use 2 sprays per dose orally 3 times a day as required.
Active Ingredients:
Aconite 6c, 12c, 15c and 30c
Inactive Ingredients:
Purified water
Alcohol 11%
- Settling properties during shock, fright or panic
- Soothing during times of apprehension and restlessness
- Supports the immune response
- Support during rising temperature imbalance