Baby's Immune Support
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Baby's Immune Support",<br />"description":"Supporting your baby’s immune system is a breeze with our easy to administer drops, tonics, and powders. Whether you are preparing for ills and chills season, or your little one is currently under the weather, you will find everything you need to support their little bodies here.",<br /><br />"image":"",<br />"tablet_image":"",<br />"mobile_image":"",<br />"show_overlay":true,<br />"show_button": true,<br />"hide_section": false<br />},<br />"shop_now_section":{<br />"hide_section": false,<br />"items":[<br />{<br />"type":"image",<br />"image":"",<br />"title":"Essential nutrients for mums and mums-to-be",<br />"description":"Want to support your baby's healthy development? Make sure you're giving your body all the nutrients it needs so you can both feel your best.",<br />"button":{<br />"label":"READ MORE",<br />"url":"",<br />"new_window": true</p>
<p>}<br />},<br />{<br />"type":"image",<br />"image":"",<br />"title":"Baby’s probiotic support",<br />"description":"For healthy skin from the inside-out, support your little one’s gut flora with our range of probiotic supplements.",<br />"button":{<br />"label":"SHOP NOW",<br />"url":"",<br />"new_window": true<br /><br />}<br />}<br />]<br />},<br />"learn_more_description":{<br />"hide_section":false,<br />"title":"Baby’s Immune Support ",<br />"description":["<br />=====START=====<br /><br />Your baby’s immune system develops over time after birth, it does take time for their immune response to establish, and in that time, there are a few things that you can do to support healthy resilience. If your baby has skin concerns, see our range of Baby’s Skin Health products.<br />Newborn Immune Support<br /><br />The first focus is their gut. Their microbiome is one of their immune defences, if you’re formula feeding, you can introduce your baby to Baby’s Probiotics.<br />Infant Immune Booster<br /><br />You can further support their healthy immune response by adding in some Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, that is easy to take as a dropper. If you are breastfeeding and your Vitamin D levels are low, then you can supplement too.<br />Herbal Infant Immune Support<br /><br />Herbal extracts are an amazing ally during all phases of childhood, however due to their taste, it can be difficult to introduce them when kids are a little older. The best time to introduce your little one to the wonders of herbs is when they are a baby. Not all herbal tonics are suitable for a baby, so choose ones that have been formulated with tiny tots in mind, check out these 10 products that belong in your kids winter kit.<br /><br />=====END=====<br /><br />"],<br />"bottom_title":"",<br />"bottom_description":""<br /><br /><br />},<br />"blog_section":{<br />"hide_section": false,<br />"title":"Wellness Blog",<br />"buttons":[<br />{<br />"label":"Visit Blog",<br />"url":"/blogs",<br />"new_window": false<br />},<br />{<br />"label":"Shop Now",<br />"url":"/",<br />"new_window": false<br />}<br />]<br />}<br />}</p>