Cacao Bliss Balls & Matcha Coconut Slice Recipes

Cacao Bliss Balls & Matcha Coconut Slice Recipes
No one can resist these delicious Cacao Bliss Balls and Matcha Coconut Slice from Lena Fischer, HealthPost’s Auckland shop staff member and Holistic Nutritionist!

Cacao Bliss Balls

Prep time: 5 min
Cook Time: 0
Serving size: 20 pieces


  • 8 dates
  • ½ cup cashew nuts
  • ½ cup desiccated coconut + extra for rolling
  • ½ cup ground almonds
  • ½ cup whole almonds
  • 4 TB BioBalance Cacao Powder


  1. De-pip dates and soak just covered with boiling water for 5 minutes.
  2. Combined cashew nuts, coconut, whole and ground almonds and cocoa powder in food processor until it reaches a fine crumb constancy. Poor into large mixing bowl.
  3. Blitz soaked dates with 1 TB soaking water until dates form a smooth paste.
  4. Add date paste to dry mixture and combine.
  5. Roll into medium balls and coat in extra coconut.
  6. Store in airtight container in refrigerator.

Matcha Coconut Slice

Prep time: 15 min
Cook Time: 0
Serving size: 28 pieces



  1. Soften coconut butter by placing jar in boiled water for approximately 10 minutes. (Coconut butter often has a layer of coconut oil siting on top, this needs to be mixed back in). Once soften stir contents and measure out ½ cup.
  2. Open coconut cream can and scoop solidified coconut cream off top, you only want the cream that has resin to the top of the can, not the liquid. This should be approximately 1 cup.
  3. Add coconut butter, coconut cream and coconut sugar to a large heatproof bowl and place over pot of boiling water, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat and add in all remaining ingredients and combine well.
  4. Press into lined slice tin and place into fridge to set. Once set cut into bite size pieces before serving. Keep refrigerated.


You can share a photo of your delicious creations on Instagram @HealthPostNZ


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