What makes Central Otago thyme so special?

What makes Central Otago thyme so special?

Thyme is a powerhouse herb. With antiseptic and antibacterial properties, thyme's essential oil has been used medicinally for centuries. With winter here, thyme is great for building immunity. But what makes Central Otago Thyme so special?

Central Otago thyme

Central Otago has a very harsh climate. The scorching summers are much like the Mediterranean, where thyme was brought to New Zealand from. During the gold rush, miners planted thyme to use remedially. Thyme now grows wild in Central Otago, turning the hills a fragrant dusty purple. Because thyme thrives in these conditions, Central Otago thyme is especially robust.

Ancient plant wisdom also has a part to play. Thyme has to be picked at a specific time of year in order to maximise its healing potential. An astute ear will notice when the bees are humming and recognise that this is the time to start the harvest. Bees collect pollen from thyme when the plant is dry and flowering. This is the same time that the essential oils are most potent. So this is when Sandra Clair and her team from Artemis begin their annual thyme harvest. It’s a win-win – although thyme is a coveted plant for herbalists, it’s an introduced weed in the region! They harvest by hand to ensure the plants are not harmed and only the best flowers are harvested.


Harvesting Central Otago thyme

Not only do Artemis use the hardiest thyme available and pick it when it’s most potent, they process it for tonics, tinctures and teas while it’s fresh and bursting with healing properties. Their commitment to quality ensures you’re getting the most you can from this extraordinary plant.

Thyme is great for:

  • Keeping the lungs and chest clear
  • Loosening phlegm in the chest
  • Supporting breathing
  • Soothing dry throats
  • Boosting the immune system



TAPS No: PP9418


Artemis Thyme Lemon Tonic is traditional plant medicine to soothe the throat and chest. This wonderful winter tonic supports your chest and soothes your throat when you are feeling under the weather. Made fresh with hand-harvested Thyme from Central Otago, this traditional Swiss tonic tastes delicious! Buy it now from our secure online shop.


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